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Saturday, March 12, 2011

There is a connectedness in all things

This is a discussion that involves a Trans-Media game called Collapsus. you can play it for yourself here.
The experience itself (which is closest to a game, but has a lot of other components as well) is a very layered one. The player needs to invest the time in the set up before you can start to engage the product. I understand the necessity to do that, but it took a long time before I was ready to interact with it as more than a passive observer.

Both the video download on my computer at home and in teh school lab had serious issues loading and playing. I admired what I saw of the  content, but it was a struggle to get to all of it. The video and graphics are done on a top flight quality. The game itself didn't hold my interest, but I would recommend it to someone who enjoys the conspiracy theory stuff more than I do. The technical capacity for this game may be there in Europe, but not here in our community. Not yet.

I've tried to make this class a very trans-media experience for me with various results. One thing I have done is link my blog to my facebook site, where I have around 125 friends. None of them have left a comment on any of my blogs so far. They might have checked it out, I have no idea. But just including social media into the process isn't enough. There still needs to be a hook to get people to want to engage in your work, whatever it is. 

And that's what I learned most about this class. Creative work, whatever it is, has to be presented in a way that other people will want to connect with it. Otherwise you have a blog with no followers except one beleaguered TA. 

I do think I can find ways to get my writing, animation, and gaming out to a larger audience. I just need to figure out how. This was a good first step.

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